M. tuberculosis Topo I
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M.tuberculosis Topo I

Mycobacterium tuberculosis topoisomerase I is a bacterial type I topoisomerase which can relax supercoiled DNA. It is a potential target for antibacterial drugs and can be used for screening potential novel antibacterial compounds. It is prepared by overexpressing the protein in E. coli and then purified by chromatography.
It is supplied in Dilution Buffer. Store at -80 °C.
The enzyme is supplied with Assay Buffer (5X concentration) and Dilution Buffer (1X) which are also available separately. 1 U of topo I will relax 0.5 µg of supercoiled pBR322 DNA in 30 minutes at 37 °C.
See technical documents below for more detailed information and lot specific activities.
Technical Documents
M.tuberculosis Topo I Relaxation Kit 1

These contain the enzyme and the supercoiled DNA substrate in addition to the Assay and Dilution buffers for relaxation reactions. 1 U of topo I will relax 0.5 µg supercoiled pBR322 DNA in 30 minutes at 37°C.
Technical Documents
High/Medium-Throughput Assay Kit - M.tuberculosis Topo I

The kit is supplied with sufficient M.tuberculosis topo I enzyme, plasmid DNA substrate, buffers and other assay components* for 100 assays. The enzyme is supplied at a minimum concentration of 5 U/μl in Dilution Buffer. The kit is also supplied with sufficient wash buffers for one 96-well plate. These buffers are supplied as 20X concentrates and must be diluted with ultra pure water prior to use. The streptavidin-coated plate is also included.
More information about this assay can be found on the "Services" page under "High/Medium Throughput Assay".
Kit issued with limited licence for individual use only.
Patent held by Inspiralis Ltd., Norwich, Norfolk, UK. (Patent No. GB0424953.8, US7838230)