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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > protease > 灵感/E。大肠杆菌旋转酶/非依赖DNA的atp酶活性测定法;包含E。大肠杆菌GyrB43结构域,缓冲区,PK-LDH,PEP,NADH和ATP./ATPG002
商品编号: ATPG002
品牌: inspiralis
市场价: ¥30920.00
美元价: 15460.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 蛋白酶类
公司分类: protease
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

E. coli Gyrase

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E. coli Gyrase


DNA gyrase is a bacterial type II topisomerase which can introduce negative supercoils into DNA. It is a target for both quinolone and coumarin drugs and can be used for screening potential antibacterial compounds. It is prepared from the over producing strains JMtacA and JMtacB1 and is supplied as an A2B2 complex.

Store at -80°C.

All enzyme is supplied with 5X concentrated Assay Buffer and Dilution Buffer which are also available separately. 1 U of gyrase will supercoil 0.5 µg relaxed pBR322 DNA in 30 minutes at 37°C.

See technical documents below for more detailed information and lot specific activities.

Technical Documents

Cat No.ProductPriceQuantity
G1001E.coli gyrase100 U£110
G5002E.coli gyrase500 U£405
G1003E.coli gyrase1000 U£784
G2004E.coli gyrase2000 U£1,505
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E. coli Gyrase Supercoiling Assay Kits


Kits are available containing everything required to perform supercoiling reactions and to test inhibitors. They contain the enzyme, relaxed DNA substrate and the Assay and Dilution buffers.

Technical Documents

Cat No.ProductPriceQuantity
K0001E.coli Gyrase Supercoiling Kit 1100 U of E. coli gyrase and 50 µg of relaxed DNA£191
K0002E.coli Gyrase Supercoiling Kit 2500 U of E. Coli gyrase and 250 µg of relaxed DNA£725
K003E.coli Gyrase Supercoiling Kit 31000 U of E. coli gyrase and 500 µg of relaxed DNA£1,447
K004E.coli Gyrase Supercoiling Kit 42000 U of E. coli gyrase and 1 mg of relaxed DNA£2,737
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E. coli Gyrase Cleavage Assay Kits


Some drugs interrupt the DNA breakage-reunion step of the gyrase reaction. This leads to cell death and it is the mechanism behind the action of the quinolones such as nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin. Cleavage assays are particularly useful in determining if a potential drug acts by this mechanism.

These kits are designed specifically for cleavage reactions. They contain the supercoiled pBR322 DNA substrate and the Assay and Dilution buffers required for DNA cleavage reactions in addition to the enzyme and linearised pBR322 marker.

Cleavage specific enzyme available separately on request.

Technical Documents

Cat No.ProductPriceQuantity
GCK001E.coli Gyrase Cleavage Kit 1100 U of E. coli gyrase and 50 µg of supercoiled DNA£376
GCK002E.coli Gyrase Cleavage Kit 2500 U of E. coli gyrase and 250 µg of supercoiled DNA£1,065
GCK003E.coli Gyrase CleavageKit 31000 U of E. coli gyrase and 500 µg of supercoiled DNA£1,470
GCK004E.coli Gyrase CleavageKit 42000 U of E. coli gyrase and 1 mg of supercoiled DNA£2,939
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E. coli Gyrase Assay Kits for Cell Extracts


These kits are designed for assaying cell extracts containing E. coli gyrase and partially purified fractions and contain relaxed DNA substrate, Assay buffer, Dilution buffer and control supercoiled DNA. 

Technical Documents

Cat No.ProductPriceQuantity
GCE001E.coli Cell Extract Assay Kit 1For 100 E. coli gyrase assays£136
GCE002E.coli Cell Extract Assay Kit 2For 500 E. coli gyrase assays£402
GCE003E.coli Cell Extract Assay Kit 3For 1000 E. coli gyrase assays£799
GCE004E.coli Cell Extract Assay Kit 4For 2000 E. coli gyrase assays£1,527
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E. coli Gyrase ATPase Kits


These kits can be used to test the effects of potential ATPase inhibitors. For example, the coumarin drugs such as novobiocin inhibit the action of DNA gyrase by competitively inhibiting the hydrolysis of ATP thus preventing supercoiling. 

These assays are microtitre plate-based and thus large numbers of compounds can be screened in a relatively short period of time. They also continuous assays which can provide more information than an end point assay.

Technical Documents

Cat No.ProductPriceQuantity
ATPG001Kit for 100 ATPase assaysFor determination of DNA-dependent ATPase activity; contains E. coli gyrase, buffers, ATP, PK-LDH, PEP, NADH and linear pBR322 DNA substrate.£1,546
ATPG002Kit for 100 ATPase assaysFor determination of DNA-independent ATPase activity; contains E. coli GyrB43 domain, buffers, PK-LDH, PEP, NADH and ATP.£1,546
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High / Medium-Throughput Assay Kit - E. coli Gyrase


The kit is supplied with sufficient E. coli gyrase enzyme, plasmid DNA substrate, buffers and other assay components for 100 assays. The enzyme is supplied at a concentration of 5 U/μl in Dilution Buffer. The kit is also supplied with sufficient wash buffers for one 96-well plate. These buffers are supplied as 20X concentrates and must be diluted with ultra pure water prior to use. 

More information about this assay can be found on the "Services" page under "High/Medium Throughput Assay".

Kit issued with limited licence for individual use only. 

Patent held by Inspiralis Ltd., Norwich, Norfolk, UK. (Patent No. GB0424953.8, US7838230)

Technical Documents

Cat No.ProductPriceQuantity
TRG01HTS Assay Kit - E. coli Gyrase 1 - 5 KitsFor 100 assays per plate£399
TRG02HTS Assay Kit - E. coli Gyrase 6+ KitsFor 100 assays per plate£340
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  1. Hallett, P., Grimshaw, A.J., Wigley, D.B. and Maxwell, A. (1990) Cloning of the DNA gyrase genes under tac promoter control: overproduction of the gyrase A and B proteins. Gene 93: 139-142
  2. Maxwell, A., Burton, N.P. and O"Hagan, N. (2006) High-throughput assays for DNA gyrase and other topoisomerases. Nucleic Acid Res. 34 (15), e104
inspiralis自1995年以来,我们一直为制药行业和学术界提供拓扑异构酶产品和服务,以协助抗感染和抗癌市场的研究。Inspiralis以前是John Innes Enterprises的公司,它是根据拓扑异构酶研究领域的全球领先者之一Tony Maxwell教授的研究建立的。我们位于约翰·英内斯中心和东英吉利大学诺里奇研究园区的学术研究中心附近的实验室。我们与麦克斯韦教授的学术研究小组保持着密切的联系,帮助我们保持在拓扑异构酶领域的最前沿。我们员工的经验以及与学术团体的联系使我们能够提供高水平的支持,以确保研究人员能够使用我们的产品获得最佳结果。生产我们的酶和底物的科学家也提供技术支持。我们的目标是为制药公司和其他参与药物开发的公司提供开发和筛选新型抗感染和抗癌化合物的必要工具。为了实现这一目标,我们将继续扩大拓扑异构酶产品和筛选服务的范围。